They are Billions (TAB for short) is a post-apocalyptic steampunk pausable real-time strategy survival video game. Last version is 1.1.4. If a mission fails, it has to be started over, there is no reload. Failing missions reduces overall score.

World Map

world map
  1. Imperial City – the Campaign is started from there
  2. Mission selection or replay
  3. World map screen (currently selected)
  4. Technology tree and remaining Research Points
  5. Hero screen and remaining Perk Points
  6. Campaign identification
  7. Change difficulty
  8. Campaign Stats
  9. Campaign Progress
  10. Game Menu Esc
  11. Empire Points (used for Swarm missions)
  12. Old Files Collection (lore)
  13. Victory Points (score)


  1. The day next swarm reaches the colony
  2. Minimap
  3. Number of days and hours since the mission started: 1 TAB day is 90 real time seconds
  4. Pause button Space
  5. Control groups
  6. Selected unit(s) or building
  7. Available actions with the selected unit(s) or building
  8. Command Center Enter
  9. Repair All X
  10. Mission Info, Retire (Campaign) / Mayors (Survival) F1
  11. Game Menu (Options, Help, Save & Exit) Esc
  12. Colony stats: colonists, workers, food, energy, gold, wood, stone, iron, oil
  13. Unit List


In the campaign, difficulty can be changed before each mission. Accessible is the default difficulty. Selected difficulty affects Victory Points.

Map TypeGame Duration Infected Population
1Easy25% 1Deep Forest80% 1Easy150 days30% 1EasiestJust few10%
2Accessible50% 2Dark Moorland100% 2Accessible120 days75% 2EasyVery low30%
3Challenging100% 3Peaceful Lowlands120% 3Challenging100 days100% 3AccessibleLow75%
4Hard200% 4Frozen Highlands140% 4Brutal80 days190% 4ChallengingMedium100%
5Brutal300% 5Desolated Wasteland160%   5BrutalHigh180%
6Nightmare500% 6Caustic Lands180% 6NightmareMaximum280%

Survival vs Campaign

The Survival mode and the Colony misions of the Campaign are very similar, with the following differences.



tab title screen

Icon Resource Sources Upkeep Notes
Colonist Command Center 10, Hunter/Fisherman 2, Tent 4, Cottage 8, St.House 16, Farm 12, Adv.Farm 24, Crystal Palace 60-Colonists are the total population of the Colony.
Worker Command Center 10, Tent 2, Cottage 4, St.House 8, Inn 100all army, most buildingsWorkers are used to operate buildings. Also each army unit consumes 1 Worker.
Food Command Center 20+, Hunter/Fisherman 1-25+, Farm 1-64+, Adv.Farm 2-128+, Crystal Palace 800Tent -4, Cottage -8, St.House -16, Inn -100, Sniper/Soldier -1, Lucifer/Thanatos/Titan -2, Mutant -20Food is needed to feed Colonists and army units, except the Ranger.
Energy Command Center 30+, Mill 30, Adv.Mill 60, Power Plant 160, Lightning Spire 800most buildingsEnergy is needed to power Colony's buildings. Buildings and structures can only be built inside the energy distribution area, which is extended by building Tesla Towers.
Gold Command Center 200, Tent 8+, Cottage 18+, St.House 40+, Quarry 10-100+, Adv.Quarry 20-200+ all army, most buildingsGold is mostly generated by Colonists, and is used for everything. Some special buildings like Bank, Market, or Inn can generate Gold too.
Wood Sawmill 1-20+Power Plant -10, Inn -30, Atlas Transmutator -20Wood is the most useful resource in the early game. Wood Walls, Cottages, Farms and the Wood Workshop will use up large quantities of Wood.
Stone Quarry 1-10+, Adv.Quarry 2-20+Atlas Transmutator -20Except the Soldiers Center, Stone is mostly used in the mid-game, after the player builds a Stone Workshop.
Iron Quarry 1-10+, Adv.Quarry 2-20+Atlas Transmutator -10Iron is used early-mid game to train Soldiers and Snipers. It becomes more important as the player enters late game.
Oil Oil Platform 10+, Atlas Transmutator 40Lucifer/Thanatos -1, Titan -2, Mutant -5, Victorious -10Oil is a late game resource. All units from the Engineering Center need Oil. If Oil-income in the Colony is negative, the Gold maintenance cost of "unsupplied" units is doubled.

Market Values

No Markets 5 Wood 5 Stone 5 Iron 5 Oil
1 Buy 100 200 400 800
Sell 5 10 20 40
2 Buy 95 190 380 760
Sell 7 14 28 56
3 Buy 90 180 360 720
Sell 9 18 36 72

c=colonist k=worker f=food e=energy g=gold w=wood s=stone i=iron o=oil
Rgen=Regeneration (HP per second) RT=Research Tier (CC=Command Center/WW=Wood Workshop/SW=Stone Workshop/Fo=Foundry) DPS=damage per second AoE=area of effect fr=fire resistance vr=venom resistance

Player's Units

At Rng
At Spd
Ranger (Vet) 120g 2w 27s CC 1k 1g 60 1 5% 4 8 6 (6.5) 1 (2) 10 (12) 10 (24) 60xp 1 -
Soldier (Vet) 240g 2i 30s CC 1k 1f 3g 120 5 40% 2.4 6 5 (5.5) 2 (2,5) 16 (26) 32 (65) 90xp 3 50% fr, 50% vr
Sniper (Vet) 300g 2w 2i 33s WW 1k 1f 5g 150 1 5% 1.8 9 8 (8) 0.45 (0.9)100 (110) 45 (100) 140xp 10 knockback
Lucifer 600g 15o 36s Fo 1k 2f 12g 1o 500 40 25% 1.8 6 3.5 2 24 48 - 10 fire+burn damage, can't shoot over walls
Thanatos (melee)600g 10i 20o 36s Fo 1k 2f 16g 1o 250 3 25% 1.8 12 10 (1.5)0.33 (1) 70 (20) 23 (20) - 500 (3)AoE, 100% fr, 50% vr
Titan 2000g 40i 40o45s Fo 1k 2f 40g 2o 800 8 40% 3 12 9 5 36 180 - 20 AoE
Mutant 5000g 20i 60o41s Fo 1k 20f 80g 5o200010 25% 6 12 2 2 30 60 - 100 AoE, 50% fr, 50% vr

Related Technologies


Type Life Rgen Armor
At Rng
At Spd
DPS XP Noise Alertness Special
Walker35 3 0% 0.4 5 0.5 1 6 6 1 1 2 100% vr
Runner 45 4 5% 1.756 0.6 1 10 10 2 2 3 100% vr
Executive 80 7 10% 1.756 0.6 1.2512 15 5 3 3 100% vr
Chubby 500 20 15% 1.755 0.7 1 40 40 10 10 3 100% vr
Harpy 120 10 10% 5 9 0.8 3.3330 10010 10 8 jumping, 100% vr
Venom 120 10 10% 1.758 4 0.5 30 15 10 10 4 AoE venom, 100% vr, -50% fr
Giant 1000035 30% 4 10 3 1.25160 20050 10 0 AoE, 100% vr
Behemoth 4000 10 10% 6 12 2 2 30 60 50 20020AoE, 50% fr, 50% vr


Name Life Armor
At Rng
At Spd
DPS Special
Calliope60 10% 3.2 7 4.55 15 75 -
Caelus 12010% 2 7 6 0.7 50 35 explosive projectile


Hero Strength Dexterity Speed Aim Protection Vision Reflexes Silent Effect Radius
CalliopeLife +30%, 30%, 40%, 50% At Spd +20%, 20%, 25% Speed +20%, 20%, 30% Damage +30%, 30%, 40%, 50% Armor +15%, 15%, 15% Range +1, +1, +1 Reload speed +40%, 40% Noise -40%, 40% -
Caelus Life +40%, 40%, 50%, 60% At Spd +20%, 20%, 20% Speed +20%, 20%, 30% Damage +40%, 50%, 70% Armor +15%, 15%, 15% Range +1, +1, +1 Reload speed +25%, 25%, 30% - Effect radius +0.2, 0.2

c=colonist k=worker f=food e=energy g=gold w=wood s=stone i=iron o=oil
TR=energy transfer radius BT=Build Time (seconds) RT=Research Tier (CC=Command Center/WW=Wood Workshop/SW=Stone Workshop/Fo=Foundry) AoE=Area of Effect


If a headquarter building is destroyed or infected, it is game over.
Building Life Barrier
ProvidesMax Storage
Command Center 5000 2500 16 5x5 10 10c 10k 20f 30e 200g2000g 50w 50s 50i 50o none The main building of the colony. Used to build all other buildings. Select with Enter.
Outpost 2000 1000 12 1x1 - - - - Operations center for the deployment of the army and defenses to attack the swarms of infected in the open field.
Advanced Outpost4000 3000 12 1x1 - 200 EP - - Outpost replacement if Armored Attack Station tech is researched.


Buildings inhabited by colonists.
Building LifeBarrierViewSize BT RT Cost Upgrade Cost Provides Upkeep Notes
Tent 40 15 6 2x2 21s CC 4f 1e 30g - 4c 2k 8g 4f 1e Basic dwelling for the colonists.
Cottage 200 50 6 2x2 36s WW 8f 3e 120g 12w 4f 2e 90g 12w 8c 4k 18g 8f 3e Medium level dwelling for the colonists.
Stone House500 125 6 2x2 48s SW 16f 10e 300g 5w 10s 8f 7e 180g 10s 16c 8k 40g 16f 10e Highest dwelling for the colonists.


Exploiting local resources and providing them to the colony.
Building LifeBarrierViewSize BT RT Cost Upgrade Cost Provides Upkeep Notes
Hunter Cottage 160 40 6 1x1 30s CC 1e 80g - 2c 1-25f 1e 2g Produces food by hunting animals from the surroundings (7x7) like forests and grasslands.
Fisherman Cottage160 40 6 1x1 30s CC 1e 80g - 2c 1-25f 1e 2g Produces food from surrounding (7x7) sea cells. It must be placed near a water source.
Sawmill 200 50 6 2x2 39s CC 4k 4e 300g - 1-20w 4k 4e 4g Produces wood from surrounding (8x8) trees.
Quarry 200 50 6 2x2 39s CC 4k 4e 300g 30w - 1-12s/i or 10-320g 4k 4e 6g Collects stone, iron, and gold from surrounding (6x6) mineral seams.
Advanced Quarry 600 150 7 2x2 45s Fo 6k 15e 1200g 30w 20i 20o 2k 11e 900g 20i 20o 2-24s/i or 20-640g 6k 15e 30g Produces twice the amount of minerals than basic quarries.
Farm 300 75 6 2x2 45s WW 4e 300g 30w - 12c 2-64f 4e 20g Produces food by harvesting grass field from the surroundings (6x6).
Advanced Farm 500 125 7 2x2 60s Fo 30e 1200g 30w 20s 20i 20o 26e 900g 20s 20i 20o24c 4-128f 30e 50g Produces twice the amount of food from the same field than a basic farm.
Oil Platform 500 125 7 2x2 60s Fo 10k 30e 1200g 20s 20i - 10o 10k 30e 80g Generates oil. It must be placed over an oil pool.


Energy generation and grid expansion.
Building Life Barrier View Size BT RT Cost Upgrade Cost Provides Upkeep Notes
Tesla Tower 140 35 8 1x1 30s CC 1k 200g 10w - TR:8 1k 4g Extends the energy range of the colony.
Mill 200 50 6 2x2 40s CC 4k 300g 20w - 30e 4k 6g Generates energy for the colony.
Advanced Mill 600 150 7 2x2 46s Fo 6k 800g 20i 2k 500g 20i 60e 6k 30g Much more efficient than the basic Mill.
Power Plant 800 200 6 3x3 70s SW 8k 800g 50w 30s- 160e 8k 40g 10wProvides a great amount of energy.


Research, trade, and storage. Effect of buildings of the same type does not stack.
Building Life Barrier View Size BT RT Cost Provides Upkeep Notes
Wood Workshop 800 200 7 4x4 90s CC 10k 10e 500g 40w Tier I research 10k 10e 16g Allows researching for complex structures made from wood.
Stone Workshop 1000 250 7 4x4 90s WW 20k 20e 1000g 40w 40s Tier II research 20k 20e 40g Allows researching for complex structures based on stone.
Foundry 1500 375 7 4x4 105sSW 40k 50e 3000g 30w 50s 50i Tier III research 40k 50e 100gAllows researching of complex buildings and units based on iron.
Warehouse 1000 250 7 4x4 75s CC 10k 8e 400g 40w 40s w/s/i/o max +50, g max +200010k 8e 30g Also increases the resource production of surrounding buildings by 20%, AoE: 28x28.
Market 500 125 7 3x3 60s WW 8k 8e 400g 30w 40s AoE: 27x27 8k 8e 30g Can buy and sell resources, automatically sells excess. Reduces food needs of surrounding dwellings by 20%. Max 3 Markets.
Inn 1200 300 10 4x4 90s WW* 100f 50e 2000g 100w 100s 100k AoE: 52x52 100f 50e 30wProvides workers. Dwellings in the surrounding provide 10% more gold. Allows hiring of mercenaries for double price. Max 1 Inn.
Bank 1000 250 7 3x3 60s SW 12k 20e 1000g 50w 50s AoE: 27x27 12k 20e Increases gold gain from dwellings by 30%. Stacks with Inn. Max 3 Banks.

In-game Research

The research time is 75s by default, but for Wonders and the Inn it is 150s. *In the Campaign, Inn doesn't require in-game research, just Tech tree unlock.


Manufacturing units ready for war.
Building Life Barrier View Size BT RT Cost Upgrade Cost Provides Upkeep Notes
Soldiers Center 800 400 7 3x3 60s CC 8k 6e 450g 20w 20s - Ranger, Soldier, Sniper 8k 6e 14g Trains different military units depending on the technology level reached.
Engineering Center 1000 500 7 3x3 60s Fo 30k 50e 3000g 40s 40i 20o - Lucifer, Thanatos, Titan, Mutant30k 50e 100g Assembles and trains the most sophisticated units.
Lookout Tower 300 75 24 1x1 39s WW 1k 300g 10w - view 1k It has a great view range to detect enemies and other threats in the surrounding area.
Radar Tower 500 125 40 1x1 45s Fo 2k 10e 800g 10w 10s 10i 1k 10e 500g 10s 10igreat view 2k 10e 30g Watches the surrounding area and alerts from enemies and other threats.
Great Ballista 1000 500 12 2x2 45s WW 3k 3e 500g 20w - AtSpd:1 Rng:9 Dmg:150 AoE:0.3 Noise:53k 3e 15gAttacks nearby enemies by shooting large arrows.
Executor 2000 1000 12 2x2 45s Fo 5k 10e 1200g 20i 10o 2k 7e 700g 20i 10oAtSpd:2 Rng:9 Dmg:100 AoE:0.6 Noise:205k 10e 50gAttacks nearby enemies inflicting damage within an effect area of 0.6 radius. Can be upgraded from Great Ballista.
Shocking Tower 1000 500 8 2x2 45s SW 2k 20e 600g 30w 30s - AtSpd:0.25 Rng:6 Dmg:60 Noise:202k 20e 20g Attacks everything in a circle around.
Wasp 300 - 8 1x1 32s SW 1e 320g 10i - AtSpd:5 Rng:6 Dmg:20 Noise:5 1e 2g Automatically attacks nearby enemies. Infected do not treat it like a prey although they can be attracted by its fire.


Fortifications and similar.
Structure Life Size BT RT Cost Upgrade Cost Notes
Wood Wall 400 1x1 15s CC 10g 3w - Walls keep the colony defended from nearby enemies.
Wood Gate 600 3x1 30s CC 50g 10w - Gates automatically allow friendly units to pass through the walls.
Wood Tower 800 1x1 39s CC 120g 10w - Maximum 4 units inside are protected and extend their watch and attack range by 3. Can be upgraded to Stone Tower.
Stone Wall 1000 1x1 30s SW 30g 3s 20g 3s Strong walls keep colony defended from nearby enemies.
Stone Gate 1500 3x1 45s SW 200g 3w 6s 150g 6s Stronger quality gate.
Stone Tower 2000 1x1 60s SW 450g 10w 10s 330g 10s Stronger tower made of stone. 4 units, +4 view and attack range.
Stakes Trap 150 1x1 15s WW 30g 3w - Damages enemies (10 dmg twice per second) and makes them walk slower (by 50%). Can be upgraded to Wire Fence Trap.
Wire Fence Trap 350 1x1 15s Fo 100g 3i 70g 3i Friendly units are also slowed, but not damaged. Trap takes 1 damage per hit.
Land Mine - 1x1 1s SW 100g 3i - Deals 500 damage on explosion in 1-tile radius. Can be configured to explode 0, 1, 2 or 3 seconds after triggering.


Epic buildings requiring a lot of effort but providing huge bonuses. The resources need to be expended twice: once for research, then for actual build. Research time is 2,5 minutes for all Wonders. VP=Victory Points.
Wonder Life Barrier View Size BT RT Research Cost Build Cost Provides VP Upkeep Notes
Silent Beholder - - - - 30s WW 7000g 100w 100s 150i 7000g 100w 100s 150i view = whole map 1000 none The Beholder is installed on the Command Center revealing the entire map. Nothing can escape his prodigious eye.
Crystal Palace 2000 500 12 6x6 90s WW 6000g 150w 200s 150i 6000g 150w 200s 150i 60c 800f 1500 100g Generates its own climate control environment, feeding the colony even in the most barren lands.
Academy of Immortals 3000 1500 16 4x4 90s SW 7000g 200w 200s 100i 50k 50e 7000g 200w 200s 100i all units are Vet 1000 50k 50e 120g The most famous heroes train the army to battle with the skills and courage of experienced veteran soldiers.
Victorious 100008000* 16 4x4 90s SW 7000g 100s 200i 100o 50k 50e 7000g 100s 200i 100o 52x52 area: +20% g2000 50k 50e 120g 10oThis unbreakable bunker stands as the most amazing symbol of the victory of humanity against the infected. Gold effect stacks with Bank and Inn.
Lightning Spire 3000 750 36 5x5 90s Fo 8000g 150s 200i 100o 60k 8000g 150s 200i 100o 800e TR: 30 1500 60k 100g Captures the energy of lightning for the colony. In addition, it extends the power supply, acting as a huge Tesla Tower.
Atlas Transmutator 2000 500 16 5x5 90s Fo 8000g 100s 200i 200o 50k 100e 8000g 100s 200i 200o40o 2000 50k 100e 120g 20w 20s 10iThis extraordinary and smoky metal spawn is capable of transforming common materials into precious oil.
*Also 50% Armor and 50% fire resistance.

Villages of Doom

Villages of Doom are large "nests" of infected.

Name Life View Stashes Res. types Max infected
Dwelling of Doom 400 6 2 w s 40
Tavern of Doom 1500 7 4 g w s i f e 150
Cityhall of Doom 4000 9 6 g i o f e 500

There is not enough Research Points in the game to research everything – you will be able to research only about 70% of the available technologies. Priority hints at what to focus on, though subjective. However two technologies are absolutely neccessary to unlock early: Cereal Farming and Plasma Spheres. Without these, missions will be unwinnable even on Easy.

Steam Tech (Tier I)

Steam Technology is required for all Tier I techs.

tier I tech

Technology Effect Points Requires Priority
Steam Technology none 0 starting tech -
Bearings and Pulleys Fisherman Cottage: food +20% 100 - 4
Efficient Turbines Mill: energy +30% 120 Bearing and Pulleys 4
Assault Rifle New unit: Soldier 120 - 3
Military Training Buildings: barrier +20%, extra unit: Soldier100Assault Rifle 5
Hunting Weapons Hunter Cottage: food +20% 100 Assault Rifle 4
Mercenaries I Extra unit: Ranger 100 - 5
Mercenaries II Extra unit: Sniper 100 Mercenaries I 5
High-rise Defenses I New structure: Wood Tower 100 - 4
Wood Buttresses Wood Wall/Gate/Tower: life +20% 120 High-rise Defenses I 3
Logistics CC: storage +20, gold +40 100 - 3
Basic Supplies CC: food +20, energy +20 100 Logistics 4
Gold transportation Train: gold +200 120 Logistics 2

Wood Tech (Tier II)

Expert Workshops is required for all Tier II techs.

tier I tech

Technology Effect Points Requires Priority
Expert Workshops New buildings: Wood Workshop, Cottage240Steam Technology 1
Cereal Farming New building: Farm 120 - 1
Commerce New building: Market 120 Cereal Farming 3
Lodging New building: Inn 140 Commerce 4
Games and Gambling Inn: mercenaries arrive every 3 days120 Lodging 5
Reinforced Armor Soldier: armor +20% 100 - 3
Professional Soldier Extra unit: Soldier 80 Reinforced Armor 5
Reinforced ProjectilesRanger: damage +20% 100 - 3
Mechanized Weapons New building: Great Ballista140 Reinforced Projectiles2
Prefabricated Parts Extra building: Great Ballista 100 Mechanized Weapons 5
Optics CC: view +5 100 - 5
Advanced Lenses New building: Lookout Tower120 Optics 4
Telescopic Sight New unit: Sniper 140 Advanced Lenses 3
Long Range Rifle Soldier: range +1, view +1 100 Optics 3
Global Vision Wonder: Silent Beholder 200 Long Range Rifle 4
Barricades New structure: Stakes Trap 80 Wood Buttresses 5
Medicine Ranger, Soldier, Sniper: life +20%140 Basic Supplies 3
Advanced Laboratory Research time -25% 120 Medicine 5
Mechanized Storage New building: Warehouse 120 Logistics 3
Structure Recycling Buildings: demolish +30% resources140 Mechanized Storage 5
Corpse Recycling Gold per kill +1 100 Structure Recycling 5
Wood Transportation Train: wood +15 140 Gold Transportation 2
Stone Transportation Train: stone +8 160 Wood Transportation 2

Stone Tech (Tier III)

Advanced Construction is required for all Tier III techs.

tier III tech

Technology Effect Points Requires Priority
Advanced Construction New buildings: Stone Workshop, Stone House260Expert Workshops1
Tesla Coils CC: transfer +1, energy +20 100 - 2
Advanced Tesla TransferTesla Tower: transfer +1, view +1 200 Tesla Coils 3
Plasma Spheres New building: Shocking Tower140 Tesla Coils 1
High Voltage Ionizer Shocking Tower: range +1, view +1 180 Plasma Spheres 2
Thermal Energy New building: Power Plant 120 - 3
Explosives New structure: Land Mine 120 Thermal Energy 5
Advanced Training Ranger/Soldier/Sniper: build time -10%100 - 5
Military Tactics Ranger/Soldier/Sniper: xp to Vet -20%120 Advanced Training 4
Military Mastery Wonder: Academy of Immortals200 Military Tectics 3
Concrete New structures: Stone Wall/Gate120 - 3
Currency New building: Bank 140 Concrete 4
Black Market Gold per kill +1 140 Currency 5
High-rise Defenses II New structure: Stone Tower 80 Concrete 3
Reinforced Concrete Stone Wall/Gate/Tower: life +20% 140 High Rise Defenses II 3
Bronze Forging Wonder: The Victorious 200 Reinforced Concrete 4
Chemistry Soldier: damage +20% 120 - 3
Insulating Materials Cottage: energy -1, Stone House: energy -2140Chemistry 3
Climate Control Wonder: Crystal Palace 200 Insulating Materials 4
Monuments Inn: prestige +50% 120 Climate Control 5
Autonomous Weapons New structure: Wasp 120 Chemistry 3
Armored Attack StationNew building: Advanced Outpost, EP +500120 Autonomous Weapons 5
Iron Transportation Train: iron +6 200 Stone Transportation 3

Iron Tech (Tier IV)

Advanced Machinery is required for all Tier IV techs.

tier IV tech

Technology Effect Points Requires Priority
Advanced Machinery New buildings: Foundry, Oil Platform280Advanced Construction2
Ray Condenser Wonder: Lightning Spire 200 Advanced Tesla Transfer4
Mechanical EngineeringNew building: Eng.Center, new unit: Lucifer160- 3
Pneumatic Joints Oil Platform: oil +1 120 Mechanical Engineering5
Mechanical ExoskeletonsNew unit: Thanatos 180 Pneumatic Joints 3
Articulated Vehicles New unit: Titan 180 Pneumatic Joints 3
Radar New building: Radar Tower 140 Mechanical Engineering4
Combat Artillery New building: Executor 180 Radar 2
Steel Turbines New building: Advanced Mill 140 - 4
Advanced Research Research time -25% 140 Steel Turbines 5
Biochemistry New building: Advanced Farm 160 - 3
Chemical TransmutationWonder: Atlas Transmutator 200 Biochemistry 5
Titanium Buildings: barrier +10% 120 - 5
Tungsten Saw Sawmill: wood +10% 120 Titanium 4
Tungsten Tools New building: Advanced Quarry160 Titanium 3
Barbed Wire New structure: Wire Fence Trap120 Titanium 5
Carbon Steel Wire Fence Trap: life +20% 140 Barbed Wire 5
Oil Transportation Train: oil +5 240 Iron Transportation 3

High Tech (Tier V)

High Technology is required for all Tier V techs.

tier V tech

Technology Effect Points Requires Priority
High Technology Buildings: build time -10% 300 Advanced Machinery 3
Advanced Ammunition Soldier: damage +20% 180 - 3
Laser Titan: damage +25% 200 Advanced Ammunition 3
Nanomaterials Units: armor +5% 200 - 3
Genetic Engineering New unit: Mutant 300 Nanomaterials 4
Augmented Reality Sniper: damage +20%, range +1, view +1220 Nanomaterials 3
Diamond Tools Adv.Quarry: resources +20% 240 Nanomaterials 4
Superconductors Shocking Tower: energy -20% 180 - 3
High Energy Plasma Shocking Tower: range +1, view +1 220 Superconductors 2
Optimal Tesla TransferTesla Tower: transfer +1, view +1 240 Superconductors 3
Solar Energy Buildings: energy -20% 240 Superconductors 3
Deep Drilling Oil Platform: oil +20% 240 Superconductors 4
Music Inn: mercenariess arrive every 2 days200 - 4
Ingot Transport Train: gold +300 300 Oil Transportation 4
Artillery Transport Train: +Wasp 400 Ingot Transport 4

There is a total of 48 mission in the Campaign. Of those, 23 are Colony missions, 10 Hero missions, and 15 Swarm missions.

Colony Missions

Colony missions require the commander to build up a colony from the Command Center and establish a foothold in the region. These missions are akin to Survival Mode.

Number of days to complete mission is modified based on difficulty: Easy 120%, Accessible 110%, Challenging 100%, Hard 95%, Brutal 88%, Nightmare & Apocalypse 80%. Special infected types are listed except Walkers, Runners, and Executives, which are present on all maps.

DI=destroy all the infected DS=destroy all swarms of infected DV=destroy all villages of doom

Level RP EP Mission Pop Other Vict Days Spec. Infected Types DI DS DV Special Features Map
1120140Hidden Valley 300 none none yes yes no none Map
Crossroads 400 none none no no yes none Map
Hunter's Meadow 600 none 60 none no no no Hunter/Farm +30% Map
2180200Mines of the Raven 700 Gold +2000 70 none no no no none Map
Coast of Bones 800 none 60 none yes yes no Fishing +30% Map
Narrow Pass 1000 none 60 none yes yes no none Map
Cape Storm 1500 none 65 Chubby no yes no Fishing +30% Map
Lands of the Giant 1000 none 70 1x Giant yes no no Energy +30% Map
Lowlands 1200 none 70 none no no no none Map
3240260Frozen Lake 1500 none 80 none yes yes yes Fishing +30%, Speed -20%, Energy +15%Map
Lonely Forest 1600 none 60 none no yes no none Map
Oasis 2600 none 75 none no yes no none Map
Valley of Death 1500 none 70 Chubby yes no yes View +10%, Infected Alertness +30%Map
Nest of the Harpy 1600 none 70 Harpy yes no yes none Map
Villa of Terror 2000 none 75 Chubby Harpy Venom yes yes yes none Map
4300320Resistance 2000 none 80 Chubby no yes no none Map
Broken Land 1600 none 80 Chubby Harpy Venom yes yes yes none Map
El Dorado 1800 Gold +8000 80 Chubby Harpy Venom no no no none Map
Forbidden Forest 2000 none 80 Chubby Harpy Venom Behemoth yes yes yes none Map
Noxious Swamp 1800 none 80 Venom yes yes yes none Map
5360380Wasteland of the Giants2000 none 90 Chubby Giant yes yes yes Energy +15% Map
Highlands 5000 none 95 Chubby Harpy Venom no yes no none Map
Goddess of Destiny 3000 none 130 Chubby Harpy Venom Giant Behemothyesyes yes none Map

Hero Missions

The selected Hero has to find a hidden Artifact. They also collect additional Research Points (RP) and Empire Points (EP). One Perk Point for the Hero is gained upon completion. Also one lore page is revealed.

Level Mission Name RP EP Map
1 Last Bunker 200 120 Map
Alpha Communications Center 250 120 Map
2 Weapons Factory 360 190 Map
Foundry 400 190 Map
3 Hydra Power Plant 460 260 Map
Prison 520 260 Map
Gamma Medical Center 560 260 Map
4 Omicron Laboratory 700 330 Map
Steel Fortress 600 330 Map
5 Phoenix Project 800 400 Map

Swarm Missions

In these missions the Empire Points are used to buy units and defenses to save the Outpost. Units are available and upgraded depending on Technology research. These missions only reward Empire Points.

Infected amounts depend on difficulty as follows: Easy 33%, Accessible 66%, Challenging 100%, Hard 110%, Brutal 125%, Nightmare 150%, Apocalypse 250%.

Level EP Swarm Blocks Walker Runner Executive Chubby Harpy Venom Giant Behemoth Total
1100Coast of Bones 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
Mines of the Raven 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 600
Narrow Pass 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2180Cape Storm 8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000
Frozen Lake 0 2800 0 0 0 0 0 0 2800
Valley of Death 0 4500 0 0 0 0 0 0 4500
3260Noxious Swamp 0 6500 0 0 0 0 0 0 6500
Gamma Medical Center 0 0 0 0 20000 0 0 2000
Resistance 0 6804 360 36 0 0 0 0 7200
4340Wasteland of the Giants0 11340 600 60 0 0 0 0 12000
Forbidden Forest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40
Omicron Laboratory 0 0 0 0 0 2400 0 0 2400
5440Phoenix Project 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20
Highlands 0 18000 1000 0 0 1000 0 0 20000
Goddess of Destiny 0 16140 7200 200 600 600 0 20 24760